Thursday, January 16, 2020

Remedies For Pink Eye: What to Do and When to See a Doctor

Antibiotics will not improve viral conjunctivitis; these drugs are not effective against viruses. The infection will usually clear up in 7 to 14 days without treatment and without any long-term consequences. However, in some cases, viral conjunctivitis can take 2 to 3 weeks or more to clear up. Home remedies and alternative treatments can also have risks. They may make things worse by spreading the infection, introducing harmful substances to the eye, or delaying necessary medical care. Some people believe that certain home remedies can cure pink eye.

A study showed that mice with allergic conjunctivitis displayed an improvement in their symptoms after turmeric treatment. Turmeric produced an antibody that suppressed the activity of the allergen and decreased the severity of conjunctivitis. The conjunctiva is a mucous membrane that lines the inside of your eyelids and covers the white part of your eye.

Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis

Use of cold compress to relieve swelling can help alleviate the itching and swelling of the conjunctiva. Do not massage or rub the eyes after eye drop instillation. Allergic episcleritis can affect children and adults ranging from 2 to 60 years of age. Patients with allergic conjunctivitis often have a parent with atopy. Eye products should not be shared as they may contain bacteria in another person’s eyes.

pink eye conjunctivitis home remedies

This helps to reduce the swelling and to ease the pain and irritation. The several sulphur compounds of the garlic act as a detoxifying agent and helps to enhance your immune system. Chamomile contains several types of flavonoids and medicinal properties such as astringent, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.

More From: DIY Home Remedies

Baking soda is considered a natural cure for conjunctivitis or pink eye. To prepare eyewash, Mix one tablespoon of baking soda in a cup of water and use it as the eyewash. Eyewash prepared with baking soda generally gives a soothing effect to your eyes. Potato usually works as a natural astringent and thus an excellent remedy to cure conjunctivitis or pink eye at home.

pink eye conjunctivitis home remedies

It often improves in 2 to 5 days without treatment but can take 2 weeks to go away completely. Pink eye needs to be treated from the inside of your body too. The susceptibility to inflammation and infection often shows the level of your body’s congestion and resistance.

Precautions For Pink Eyes

They may also find that a warm shower helps remove the dry crust. Do not use other people’s eye drops or cosmetics, particularly eyeliner pencils and mascara. If you use tissues or wipes, make sure they to put in the trash so that no one else would touch them. If you use washcloths to clean the eye, put them in the laundry right away so that no one else picks them up or uses them.

pink eye conjunctivitis home remedies

Eye discharge is common with all three types of pink eye, and pus can be seen with bacterial pink eye in particular. To help soften and clean discharge, soak and wring out a clean towel or cloth in warm water and place it on your closed eyelids. The symptoms of pink eye can last for a week or two and can become chronic. Pink eye caused by both viral and bacterial infections are extremely contagious.

Homeopathic Remedies

Take one teaspoon of charcoal dust and mix it with ¼ teaspoon of sea salt and mix it in a cup of water. Boil this solution and strain it after cooling it for a few minutes. Pour around 4-5 drops of this solution into the infected eye as a cure for conjunctivitis. Breast milk is an effectual cure for many diseases and protects the baby from infections. You can use 2-3 drops of breast milk in your infected eye to provide relief from a pink eye infection.

pink eye conjunctivitis home remedies

Though these supplements may help prevent pink eye, they will not help “cure” an existing infection. It shouldn’t hurt to incorporate them into your current treatment, however, as long as they’re used as recommended. Each homeopathic remedy depends on the type of pink eye you are experiencing, as well as the symptoms and any additional sensitivities you may have.

Allergic pink eye can be prevented by avoiding things that trigger the condition. If you suffer from allergies you can use these essential oils for allergies. To make an eyewash from the herbs, add one teaspoon of eyebright herb to a cup of boiling water and allow the liquid to steep.

A cold compress is generally used to cure an infection caused due to an allergic reaction. The highly contagious nature of pink eye is why this infection is so common. They don’t necessarily need to be displaying symptoms to be contagious; essentially, just be wary of when and why you touch your eyes. Patients have red, teary, itchy, or irritated eyes with clear or cloudy white discharge. The symptoms typically involve both eyes, but the eyelids and vision are unaffected. Patients can have concurrent allergic rhinitis symptoms, including nasal itching, sneezing, congestion, and rhinorrhea.

Chemical Pink Eye

Allergic pink eye will continue as long as you're in contact with whatever is causing it. All About Pinkeye Learn about causes, symptoms, and treatments. If both of your eyes are red, swollen, tearing up, and itchy, the culprit is most likely seasonal allergies.

pink eye conjunctivitis home remedies

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